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If You Want A Baby, Follow A Diet That Stimulates Fertility

Fertility boosting dietPregnancy has little to do with losing weight, except in severe cases of overweight. In all other cases is necessary not to exclude, but on the contrary – to add certain products to your menu. The food should be nutritious and in sufficient quantity, even generous. Learn more details:

  • To help ovulation. Spinach, nettles, lentils and beets are rich in iron, which helps ovulation and increases the ability to get pregnant. However, other substances contained in these products themselves improve fertility too. They all contain folic acid, which is mandatory for the proper development of the fetus and placenta. Spinach and nettles are also a source of beta-carotene – a non-toxic form of vitamin A, chlorophyll and organic acids. The lentils also provides the necessary proteins and ecological food, regardless of the type of farming because it does not accumulate toxins from the environment.
  • In support of hormones. To maintain favorable for conception hormonal background, a woman’s body needs enough monounsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E. They are contained in raw vegetable oils, such as olive oil, flaxseed oil, etc. Foods rich in these substances are also avocados, almonds and other nuts. They also contain B vitamins and essential minerals such as potassium, copper, iron, magnesium and zinc. By the way, be careful with office cleaning, you may breathe some harmful fumes of the detergents used.
  • If you want to have a baby, it’s essential to eat healthy and to be positive. Stress is not recommended, so be careful and save your nerves. Is it necessary to underline that diets are not recommended. Choose yogurt and cottage cheese with bigger fat because it increases the chances of pregnancy. Opposite – low-fat dairy products radically confuse the hormonal balance. Therefore, the more natural, the better. Your carpet cleaners will also agree with this tip.

Last, but not least – don’t transfer future pregnancy into idee fixe! Good luck!

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