Working from 9 to 5, five days a week is exhausting and at one stage you get sick and tired of the tedious routine including getting up at 6 am, dress up, drink a cup of strong coffee and head to the office. Meanwhile, you wait in a traffic jam and when you finally get to the office, a pile of paperwork waits on your desk. Many people who have never worked at an office think it’s the dream job, but the truth is it can be really stressful. It does not matter where your workplace is, you need to stay concentrated, be productive and deal with the challenges your manager assigns to you with creativity and positive attitude. For the purpose, you don’t have to regard your job as a burden you have to put up with from Monday to Friday. Here are a few things you have to do during your days off, that will help you manage your time and handle the tasks during the weekdays easier. Continue reading →